"Best Weight Training Exercises - Unlock the Secret of the 80 20 Rule"

Want to rocket-boost the best weight training exercises?

Unlock the secret of the 80 20 rule.

Photo by Steve Jurvetson

Best Weight Training Exercises

You give 100% effort to your training and are keenly aware of the demands involved.

Such labors are tough. Challenging. But did you also know your full-bore efforts can only be applied in very small quantities?

The reason is because of your limited recovery abilities.

Since recuperative capacities are in such short supply, the volume of training undertaken must also be limited. This makes it necessary to concentrate your efforts on the most demanding exercises. Why? Because the best training exercises are those movements which cause the most growth stimulation.

Or to put it another way: the most productive exercises are those movements which demand the most effort.

But what if there was a way to rocket-boost the best weight training exercises, and gain 80% of the results with only 20% of the effort?

If you are unfamiliar with the 80 20 rule, let me explain how it can help you.

The 80 20 Rule

The Pareto Principle was discovered by 19th-century economist Wilfred Pareto, and shows how 80% of the effects are produced by 20% of the causes.

For example, statisticians have recorded the impact of this principle in our society today, showing how:

  • 80% of the world's wealth is in the hands of 20% of its population;
  • 80% of crime is committed by 20% of all criminals;
  • 80% of car accidents are caused by 20% of the motorists.

And this is where things get really exciting. Why? Because you can apply this scientific principle to your training.

The Pareto Principle for Power

Here is how the Pareto principle can help you:

    1. Colossal Cores.

    Concentrate on those primary movements or core muscle exercises that promote the most muscle growth. For example, if you currently train with a handful of exercises, consider reducing your routine to just one mass movement such as the deadlift or squat. Swapping to an ultra-abbreviated routine of this type, with just one single exercise, can quickly ignite growth and fire-up your strength gains.

    2. Powerful Partials.

    Try partial training in your routine. How does this work? Instead of utilizing a full repetition range, only train your exercises in the last few inches - or the strongest range of motion. This style of training allows you to immediately lift more iron, thereby increasing the intensity, while significantly reducing training volume. For example, strongman Paul Anderson made partials training an integral part of his mass building workout routines, propelling him to squat a staggering 1800 pounds.

    3. Super Statics.

    Consider static contractions training in your workout. This super-efficient way of exercising sees you holding a weight 'statically' for a period of 5-10 seconds until muscular failure. Using a zero range of motion, life coach Tony Robbins would lift the equivalent weight of a Dodge Viper's V10 engine - and rocket-boost his bench press by 277% in one single workout.


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