Core Muscle Exercises - Your 3 Core Training Exercises Rules

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ould your core muscle exercises be causing you injury?

3 core training exercises rules insure you build your body safely.

What Are Core Exercises?

Core training exercises are the bedrock of any effective muscle building routine. Yet despite their importance in your quest to build muscle, these same core training exercises carry inherent dangers.

Are your core strengthening exercises causing you injury?

The following 3 rules will guarantee you avoid them, and insure you build your body safely.

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Photo courtesy of Lucas Cobb

Core Muscle Exercises - Your 3 Core Training Exercises Rules

    1. Core exercises overlap. Dangers to avoid: if you are using a split routine (e.g. you train your upper body on one day and train your lower body a few days later), try to put exercises that overlap into the same workout.

    Why is this important?

    If you squat and deadlift, your lower back will receive an intense pounding from these two exercises. Far better you train the squat and stiff leg deadlift together on the same day. The benefit to you? More lower back recovery time between your next core training workout.

    2. Core exercises for back pain. It is estimated that 180 million working days are lost in the UK due to back pain, with costs to the economy of £6 billion. Yet despite these startling figures, a painful lower back can be easily remedied.

    So what is the cure?

    Most lower back pain is caused by poor posture and weak core muscles. However, with the right type of training, these core muscles can soon be strengthened. Fortunately, the core training exercises that will build your body are the same core exercises for back pain. Using an abbreviated full body workout, it is possible to train your lower back as you build strength all over.

    For example, the stiff leg deadlift trains more than just your lower back musculature. This lower back exercise also builds your legs, and buttocks, and arms, and shoulders. The benefit to you? You get to increase your strength and conditioning throughout the whole of your body as you work your lower back.

    3. Powerful pairings. Working two core strengthening exercises back to back can provide you with more recovery time - a great benefit. But if mistakenly place your pairings in the wrong order, you could leave yourself vulnerable to the risk of injury.

    How can this happen?

    If you employ the stiff leg deadlift BEFORE the squat exercise, your back will already be fatigued when you begin to exercise your legs. Putting your delicate lower back structure in possible harms way is a surefire recipe for disaster. So what is the solution? Squat first. Rearranging your exercises like this means your back will no longer be the weakest link.


Could your core training exercises hurt your health? Are your core muscle exercises causing you injury?

3 core training exercises rules insure you build your body safely.

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