by Lee
Want to get in shape for 2013? This will be a common goal for many as we hurtle headlong into the New Year. Indeed, figures published by the University of Scranton ranked "Losing Weight" at Number 1 for the Top Ten New Year Resolutions made for 2012, and "Staying Fit and Healthy" at Number 5.
So what can we learn from these statistics?
In a nutshell, looking and feeling good is important to us. Yet this also begs a further question, which is: how many of us go onto achieve our resolutions each year?
The answer makes alarming reading.86% Failure Rate
New Year statistics figures show the percentage of people who achieve their target each year to be 39%. This means, 61% fail in their resolutions. These numbers become even more disheartening as we examine the percent of people over 50 who achieve their resolutions. The number? A lowly 14%.
That equates to a whopping 86% failure rate!
Why are these disappointing figures so high? In simple terms, building any type of meaningful change into your life happens in small, brick by brick increments. These kinds of changes don't happen by accident but by careful design.
For example, did you realize most trainees don't keep records of their workouts? Unable to tell you what they lifted this time last year, they have no reliable way to chart their progress - a damning oversight that turns success into failure.
The critical importance of record-keeping was underlined by author and coach Pete Sisco who we interviewed earlier this year. Using a wristwatch and laptop, Sisco would develop a surefire system that measured not only his workouts but his training progress too.
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