"Marvin Eder Routines - What Can "The Biceps from the Bronx" Do For You?"

Want to see what "The Biceps From The Bronx" can do for you?

Let the following Marvin Eder Routines be your guide.

Marvin Eder - Man of Might

Man of might Marvin Eder was born in Brooklyn, New York. Catching the bodybuilding bug in his teens, the young Marvin would go onto become one of the all-time physique greats while earning the unofficial title of the world's strongest pound-for-pound man. Heady stuff.

While Marvin Eder's strength achievements are beyond the typical trainee, it serves us well to consider this amazing man's might.

And in a moment, we'll see how Marvin Eder Routines can be adapted for the ordinary Joe. However, before we do, let's first marvel at this man's staggering achievements.

Marvin Eder - Best Lifts

  • Deep-knee bend squats, 300 lbs x 50 reps
  • Barbell curl, 210 lbs
  • Clean and pressed, 355 lbs
  • Crucifix, 2 x 100 lbs dumbbells
  • Lateral raises, 120 lbs
  • Deadlift, 665 lbs
  • Parallel bar dip, 434 lbs
  • Chins, 200 lbs x 8 reps
  • Bench Press, 515 lbs

I'm sure you'll agree, such poundages are impressive. But just how did Marvin Eder get so strong?

Marvin Eder Routines

Marvin Eder used many strength training routines over the years. He particularly enjoyed Olympic lifting, and for bodybuilding purposes, mainly trained on the split system of 2 days on with the 3rd day off for rest.

A typical routine would be:

Day 1:

  • 5 sets x 10 reps dumbbell laterals, 120 lbs
  • 5 sets x 10 reps dumbbell curls, 120 lbs
  • 5 sets x 10 reps dumbbell bench press and triceps curls, 120 lbs
  • 5 sets x 10 reps lat machine pulldowns, 350 lbs

Day 2:

  • 5 sets x 15 reps abdominal sit-ups, 50 lbs
  • 5 sets x 50 reps calf machine
  • 5 sets x 10 reps barbell squats, 475 lbs

As you can see, the loads lifted here are very heavy.

And the results?

Just check out the following superman physique...

Marvin Eder Measurements

  • Bodyweight, 203
  • Height, 5ft 8 ins
  • Waist, 34 ins
  • Chest, 50 ins
  • Neck, 19 ins
  • Biceps, 19 ins
  • Forearms, 15 ins
  • Thighs, 26 ins
  • Calves, 17 ins

In Summary

So what muscle building tips can the ordinary Joe hope to learn from "The Biceps From The Bronx"?

It is no surprise that to attempt such a routine - at least for the typical trainee - would swiftly lead to burn-out and certain injury. However, there is great value in following Eder's lead in concentrating on the big lifts like the squat exercise, the deadlift, and the parallel bar dip.

These core muscle building exercises - along with a willingness to train heavy - helped build Marvin Eder's impressive physique. Let them do the same for you.

Now check out Alicia Keys...

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Marvin Eder Bench Press vs Parallel Bar Dip 
At 515 pounds, the Marvin Eder bench press is impressive, but his dip figures are staggering! Two questions: How did Marvin Eder dip 434 pounds? and …

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