Butt Kicking Overtraining Signs - How to React to Signs of Overtraining

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Are overtraining signs making you more tired than a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest?

See how to react to signs of overtraining.

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Signs of Overtraining

Do you feel stagnated in the gym? Or how about tired all the time?

By responding to the warning signs of overtraining - both in and out of the gym - you can quickly recharge your batteries and set yourself up for a period of greater gains.

Moreover, spot the symptoms of overtraining soon enough, and you can firmly boot overtraining in the pants.

How to React to Signs of Overtraining

    1. Overtraining signs in the gym.

    If you haven't already, switch yourself to an abbreviated routine. This change means you will quickly cut back on your time spent in the gym. Doing less work each session, or training less often, will do much to improve your recovery.

    An effective abbreviated muscle building routine sticks to a pool of safe major exercises. Proven muscle builders like the deadlift or squat (or some variation of the above) should provide the backbone to your strength training.

    Resist the temptation to chop and change your exercises, but instead focus on a fixed training format you can sustain for a period of months. Concentrate on adding repetitions or poundage increases in small, measurable increments, i.e., an extra rep or two - in good form - or an added kilo or more to your bar. Such additions soon add up without drawing unnecessarily on your recuperative abilities.

    2. Signs of overtraining out of the gym.

    In many cases, cutting back in the gym and changing exercises isn't enough. To fully recover you should consider a complete overhaul. This means you must ensure you consistently rest and sleep enough, and attend to your nutritional needs.

    How much rest is enough? If you are suffering from severe overtraining, an extra day or two off between workouts is not enough - you must take a complete layoff of a couple of weeks, and in some cases, longer. Such a layoff means you stay out of the gym entirely. It also means you avoid any aerobic work, as even light cardio such as jogging can delay your recovery.

    Instead, you should stop ALL EXERCISE other than leisurely walking or cycling. You should also get into the habit of going to sleep early and getting up late whenever possible. Such habits will ensure you soon restore your zest for training.

    3. Prevent symptoms of overtraining.

    Having now recovered from the symptoms of overtraining how do you prevent them from returning?

    Bodybuilder and HEAVY DUTY author Mike Mentzer suggests taking a periodic layoff every so often. This restorative practice is important, as not only does it give your body the time to heal from any niggling aches or injuries you might be carrying, but will ensure your immune system remains strong and healthy.

    Factor a two week layoff every few months into your training calendar, and you will take a big step towards avoiding the symptoms of overtraining.

In Summary

Are overtraining signs making you more tired than a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest? See how to react to signs of overtraining and prevent them from returning.

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Overtraining Signs to Symptoms of Overtraining

Overtraining Signs to Muscle Building

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