What is Whey Protein Isolate?

by Pete

What is whey protein isolate, and how much do I need? I workout 3 times a week and weigh 160 lbs.

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Pure Whey Protein Powder
by: Lee

Pure whey protein isolate is one of nature's finest proteins. Easy to digest, it is one of the newest generation of protein supplements.

Containing an impressive amino acid profile, whey protein isolate ALSO provides the required fuel for building and repairing your body.

What is Whey Protein Isolate? Your Whey Protein Needs

1. Protein needs. So how much protein do you need? The protein requirements for someone who is moderately active and weighs 160 pounds, is approximately 80 grams per day. This figure accounts for someone who exercises 3 times a week and who has an average body fat figure of 15%.

Since most of your protein requirements should come from your food, allow 5-6 feeds per day (3 main meals plus additional snacks), which will happily furnish all your muscle building needs.

2. Protein pitfalls. Always remember that no matter how nutritious anything is, it will not do you any good - in or out of the gym - if your body cannot digest it. Because of this, it is wise to experiment with a small amount of your protein supplement first.

Forget the hype and hoopla, as even expensive "engineered" whey protein isolate supplements can cause digestive discomfort for some people.

Instead, show prudence and listen to your body.

For more protein pitfalls, see protein supplements side effects

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