Why is a Home Gym Best?

by Ian Thomas

My goal is to build size like arnold schwarzenegger in his heyday. Is a home gym best or do I train in a commercial gym?

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Why Should You Choose a Home Gym?
by: Lee

Hi Ian,

If your goal is to build size like Arnold Schwarzenegger, I have great news for you: you can build a fantastic physique using basic home gym equipment.

Why is a home gym preferable to a commercial gymnasium?

Here are two of the main reasons:

Number 1 is cost. Commercial gyms are expensive, with yearly memberships typically hitting you in your wallet for $600+ dollars (£400). For a fraction of this, you can easily build your very own serviceable home gym.

Number 2 is convenience. Since everyone has increasingly busy lives, it makes sense to use your time wisely. A home gym means you can exercise WHEN you want and with NONE of the travel considerations. Two fantastic reasons to choose a home gym over a commercial gymnasium.

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